According to The Center for Science in Public Interest, a simple snack that you may think is light, can sometimes have you putting in time on the elliptical to burn off the calories. Take a look at these popular snacks and their physical activity equivalent to shed the calories they offer
Five Guys Fries: Regular size, 620 calories is equivalent to 1 hr. 35 min bicycling
Starbucks: Venti Cinnamon Dolce Latte with whipped cream, 410 calories, is equivalent to 50 min jogging
AMC Popcorn: No added butter, 410 calories, is equivalent to 1 hr 15 min low- impact aerobics
Panera Bread: 1 Chocolate Chipper Cookie, 440 calories, is equivalent to 1 hr. 30 min. brisk walking
Crumbs Bake Shop: 1 Red Velvet Cupcake, 500 calories, is equivalent to 2 hrs. 5 min. of strength training
Starbucks: 1 Piece Banana Nut Loaf, 490 calories, is equivalent to 1 hr 15 min of swimming laps
Smoothie King: Medium Slim- N- Trim Strawberry Smoothie, 560 calories, is equivalent to 1 hr 50 min doubles tennis
Pinkberry: Large Original Frozen Yogurt, 370 calories, is equivalent to 1 hr 5 min elliptical training
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Great stuff BM!! :)