With a successful memorial weekend past us, and summer finally upon us, now is the perfect time to jump aboard the healthy bandwagon! We have made a list of 5 healthy tips for a great summer!
1. Berry Blast!
Summer is the season for berries. Berries are high in fiber and antioxidants. This is can help prevent cancer as well as reduce the risk of age-related illnesses!
2. Play time!
It’s a great time to be outside. Pick an activity outdoors, and get the family involved. This is a great way to bond while getting some fresh air and burning off any excess winter weight gain.
3. Vacation Destination!
Take time to unwind and relax! Taking a vacation can lead to a lower blood pressure as well as decrease those stress hormones.
4. Keep up that Sleep!
Summers a great time to catch up on sleep. Getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep a night, you can improve your health and lower your stress!
5. Stay hydrated!
Summer’s heat can get to you if you don’t remember to stay hydrated. Keeping hydrated can increase your energy during long summer days. Keeping you happy and healthy!
Wishing you all a health and happy summer!!
[tips and ideas were taken from http://women.webmd.com/features/8-summer-steps-for-healthy-living]
by: Emily Wetzel