Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where does your fat go??

     Have you ever picked up a magazine claiming that you can reduce fat in a specific part of your body??  Magazines often make such claims.  In reality when you lose weight, it comes off proportionally in all parts of your body.  You can't take a magic wand and zap off fat in the places you want. 

     If your body shape is a pear, hourglass, or a rectangle, when you lose weight your body will be a smaller version of those shapes.  Next time you pick up a magazine, think before you believe the claim they are making.

For more information about this topic refer to: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/07/22/fat.weight.loss/index.html?iref=allsearch

By: Emily Kukla

Monday, August 15, 2011

ROCK OUT! Chicago Rock n' Roll Half Marathon!!

Nutrition Counseling Service's ROCKED...and ROLLED at the Chicago Rock n' Roll Half Marathon this weekend. It was a packed weekend that included; Promotions of Club Marathon bar, WXRT radio talk show, WGN morning television, and last but not least, the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon EXPO! 

Showing off the styleish Club Marathon GEAR!
Club Marathon Booth!

We would like to personally thank anyone who came out to support the Rock n' Roll Marathon. Hope you had as much fun as we did!!

Interns and Jennifer at the Club Marathon Booth!
(left to right) Emily Wetzel, Jennifer Vimbor, Sarah Hults.

SHHHH, Were "On the air" With WXRT RADIO! 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011



The Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon is in Chicago, and ready to party!! Recently Jennifer Vimbor, was asked by the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon’s sponsor, “Marathon Bar” to be the Chicago’s official Dietitian! Jennifer will be hosted on various radio talk shows including; “Pure-Fit Radio” and “ESPN Radio.”

Jennifer will also be at the half marathon expo both Friday and Saturday. Look here for updates on the race and the various events she will be attending! Nutrition Counseling Services would like to personally wish all the runners GOOD LUCK and we hope to see you there!! 

By: Emily Wetzel